Stworzono / zmodyfikowano 05/04/2023 przez KK
Zapraszamy wszystkie chętne osoby do udziału w Global Youth Forum – Cooperative Entrepreneurship 2021!
W ramach tego wydarzenia, w piątek 26.03. o godz. 9:30 przedstawicielki Kooperatywy Beata Charycka i Kasia Kalinowska razem z kolektywem (autorzy i autorki filmu o Kooperatywie) poprowadzą sesję warszatową – pt. Building sustainable food systems through food coops: the Dobrze coop experience. [
We invite everyone to take part in the Global Youth Forum – Cooperative Entrepreneurship 2021
This Friday Kasia Kalinowska and Beata Charycka together with collective will do the workshop: Building sustainable food systems through food coops: the Dobrze coop experience. What are we going to talk about? What’s the role of food coops to build sustainable food systems? How can communities engage in collective action to develop sustainable cities and at the same time allow access to healthy food? How can rural and urban citizens work together for a decent life for all? This session is to share insights about this topic directly with the members of the Dobrze food coop from Warsaw, Poland. It is a participatory session, in which the video by will be screened as an opportunity of inspiration for all, and where everyone will be welcome to actively contribute.
Let’s exchange among peers, cross-fertilize one another, and together build a more sustainable planet!